Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Busy, busy summer!

Horrible blogger that I am, I will attempt to update you on the family.  Since I haven't done so in the past month.  Shame on me.  The three people that read this can slap me on the virtual wrist at any time.

Before I hang my head in shame, here's a little something.

We've been planning and getting ready for our new school adventure.  The kids are enrolled in Minnesota Virtual Academy, which is an online school through the K12 program.  If you are interested, you can read about it here.  I have to admit to being excited and thoroughly terrified at the same time.  The supplies are bought (and not yet organized) and the materials have arrived.  Still waiting for the computers to be sent, and then we will be ready to go on September 6th.

In the meantime, Jesse and I will finish up the fence we're building in the back yard.  And attempt to finally complete the kitchen cabinet painting job that has been on going since - yikes! - November of last year.

Riley's toes will continue to heal from the freak toilet accident that happened at a sleepover.  Yes, a toilet waiting to be installed tipped over and the tank broke on her foot, slicing open three toes.  Nine stitches were required.  They have since been removed and the suture line is healing well.

Savvy will continue to recover from the oral surgery she had to remove her four baby canines.  A crowding issue spurred the extraction.  She closely resembles a beaver now, poor girl.  Don't tell her I told you that.

Isaac has managed to get past the last two oven locks I've installed on the oven door.  There are now three on there.  I hope this works, because the last time he popped the door open while it was running at a warm 400 degrees.  Scary for this mama.

Brooke will tell you that she is a rainbow-punching princess ninja.  And then she'll show you some moves that will blow your mind.

Just another day -- or month -- in paradise. 

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE rainbow-punching princess ninja's! I have one myself :)
