Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Still, Small Voice in my Head

Do I even need to say that the cabinets didn't get done last week?  I don't think so.

I did manage to pull down three doors, spray hinges and fill holes.  Just didn't get any further than that.

Minnesota Virtual Academy is kicking my butt.  Hard.  I had a breakdown yesterday, and I feel bad for my poor sister who had to listen to a blubbering, wailing me describe my day.

It wasn't until I put my head on my pillow at 8 o'clock in the evening, exhausted and weary, that I heard God's gentle voice reminding me that I prayed for the patience to get through another school day the night before.  What the heck was I thinking?!  The only way to learn patience is to go through the fire of adversity.  I'll just say that God answered the prayer, much to my dismay.

Every day is a lesson, I've learned.  Yesterday I learned that teaching my children at home and still having enough "me" left over to tend to little ones and run a household is too big a job for me to handle ... alone.  That still, small voice of God reminded me to lean on Him and let Him work.  There is absolutely no way to do this on my own.  I'm right about that.  It is, very literally, Mission Impossible.

So thankful that I can just show up for work and let God do the rest.  Because He's the only one that can get me gracefully through the day, that can guide me through the chaos and have me standing up on the other side of it.

My sister posted this verse to my Facebook wall:  "For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you." ~Isaiah 41:13

I needed the reminder.  Thanks, sissy.

1 comment:

  1. HI Jennifer

    Make sure you reach out to some other families either at MNVA or nationally through K12 for support. You aren't alone and the beginning of the school year is tough while you learn the ins and outs of making it all work.

    steph h
