Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Skinny on the Big Fat Move

You'd think that blogging would be easy, since most people think I live on Facebook.  And while I'm wondering if it is possible to officially change my address to Facebook, I think it's time to update again on our REAL change of address.

Coming soon:  Friday we load up the 'Burb and all drive out to Minnesota.  Jesse DID get the job ... hooray!  He will be a Plant Coordinator with United Taconite mines.  Let's just say that God has blessed us in the salary and compensation area, and we won't be taking that much of a financial hit.  We are supposed to close on the house next week, and during that time the kids and I will live in the in-law's basement.  :)  Jesse will fly back out one-way to finish out his time in the Corps, supervise the pack and transport the fish back to MN in the Buick.

After closing, I will start the reno on the new house.  Ripping out floors and praying I find some hardwoods in that 100-year old house.  Repainting the entire house and refinishing cabinets.  Hopefully I will have all in order by September 7.  Jesse begins work on 9 September with U-Tac ... no delays whatsoever!

His new job offers a lot of perqs, but the biggest one is that he will only work 180 days a year.  Twelve hour shifts, yes.  But the days off compensate for that.  Each month he will get a week off ... every month!  In addition to his other days off.  I can't wait to get to spend so much time with my man. 

So today finds me frantically trying to organize everything that will get packed in my absence, and trying to decide what I need for the next three or four weeks without our "stuff".  Bags and bags of stuff to be donated.  Plastic bins flying around the house.  And don't forget kids whining, fighting, and screaming mixed in.  Ever wanted to see Insanity In Motion?  Come on down!


  1. So excited that everything is coming together. I need you to help me donate & organize. Once you get settled in of course... jk

    I am so excited for you guys & can't wait to come visit. Sorry I didn't get out to VA, time flies...

  2. It's easy, Rache. Take everything you haven't used in the last 9 months or so, throw it in a garbage bag and give to the charity of your choice. :)

  3. Yeah I keep telling myself that... ;)
