Thursday, December 29, 2011

Better Organized

Here's a tip from one chaotic household:  LABEL EVERYTHING.   If you want your kids -- or husband -- to know where it's supposed to be, label the darn thing.  This has helped more than a lot of the organizational things I've tried around here.

Here are some examples:

I labeled my new white boards (purchased at Lowe's for a great price) with categories.  Still not sure on the layout, but since it's just a Word printout and a strip of packing tape, it's easily replaced.

If your kids are like mine, they need to be told or shown in great detail where to put things.  For those kids who can read, this is a lifesaver.  There is no excuse for not putting winter stuff in its home now.  I also have a handy mitten and hat organizer hanging on the door in the back entryway.  The dresser seen above is in the mudroom.

I even labeled The Boy's "dresser" to make it easier for The Hubs to put clothes away when the notion strikes him.

Don't be surprised if you come into my house and find labels on darn near everything, up to and including the toilet.  Trust me, sometimes a label is needed even for that.


Guess it's that time of year again, when we all make promises that mostly don't get kept.  Ah, the New Year's Resolution.  I think I have good intentions every year.  Just very little follow through, and hey, that's not a new thing for me.

Last year I resolved to have all my Christmas shopping down by the end of November.  And THAT didn't happen.  It's really the only resolution I can remember, and I still didn't get 'er done.  Of course, I really don't remember making the resolution to get pregnant with baby #5 either, so life can sometimes show us that we aren't the ones in charge anyway.

Alas, I will once again make a few resolutions.  But they are more like guidelines.

  • I will once again attempt to have all the Christmas gifts made or bought by December 1st.
  • I will tone these flabby muscles enough so that carrying and pushing this next baby out of my soon-to-be 36-year old body won't kill me.
  • I will do my best to be the role model for my kids that God wants me to be.
  • I will learn to let things go when they're not going my way, and remember that God is in control anyway.

That's about the best I can do.  Follow-through is not my strong suit, but these goals seem somewhat attainable.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Discovered: New Insects!

Part of Riley and Savvy's school today was a science/art project.  They had to "discover" a new insect, make a model of it, and write out a description.

After making a huge mess, the projects were completed.  

Riley's New Insect:  The Sun And Water Bug

And Savvy's New Insect:  The Death Bug

It is my sincere wish that I never encounter one of these bugs in real life.  ;)

Friday, December 2, 2011

Isaac's New Dino

Grandma and Pop got Isaac a new dino toy for his second birthday.  This was his reaction.

Thursday, December 1, 2011