Sunday, December 29, 2013

A Conversation with Isaac

This evening we went to the bowling alley.  At one point, Isaac had to go to the bathroom.  This was the conversation we had while he was using the facilities:

Isaac:  "Mom, this is the ladies room.  You're not a lady.  You can't come in here."
Me:  "Yes, I can.  I'm a lady."
Isaac:  "No, you're not.  Ladies wear glasses. You don't have glasses."
Me:  "Sometimes I wear glasses to drive.  Does that count?"
Isaac:  "Um, y-eah.  Maybe.  But you don't drive, Mom."
Me:  "Yes, I do."
Isaac:  "You don't drive Daddy's Buick."
Me:  "I know.  I drive the Suburban."
Isaac:  "Does it have a name?"
Me:  "Yep.  The Beast."

(At this point it's good to know that Isaac is convinced the Buick Rendezvous is a Transformer.  We play mind games with the four-year old.  It's fun.)

Isaac:  "He's not a Transformer like Rendezvous."
Me:  "Yes, he is.  He transforms every night."
Isaac:  "Into what?"
Me:  "The Abominable Snowman."
Isaac:  "That's not real, Mom."
Me:  "Yes, he is."
Isaac:  "What do they do?"
Me:  "They transform and have snowball fights every night."
Isaac:  "Hmph.  I'm done.  You can wipe my butt now."

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