Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Smooth as BUTTA!

This girl took her crunch to a whole new level today.

We started buying our milk from a local farm, Bear Creek Acres in Embarrass, a couple Sundays ago.  The milk is great, and is from happy, pasture fed cows.  But what to do with the cream that rises to the top of this very rich milk?

When I picked up the milk a couple days ago, the owner Mary Ann asked me if I had made butter yet.  See, I've been looking at churns online, thinking that was the only way to make butter.


You can make it in a blender, and it takes about ten minutes.  Seriously.  So today, I made real butter from real cream from real cows that live real close by.


Well, more creamy, but still "crunchy".  Here's the tutorial that helped me.

The picture above shows my trial run.  Made a cute little butter ball.  The second run filled that coffee cup all the way to the top.


  1. Have you had the beef from BCA yet? I can't eat nasty beef from the grocery store anymore...

  2. Not yet, because she's not doing a spring butcher. We hope to get some in the fall. I really, really want some local beef.

  3. Grass fed beef & milk is excellent!! Its hard to go back..
    We tried your "butta" in a "blenda" and its great! Turned it into a learning project for the kids too!
    We tried it in a mixer too and it works a little "betta"! FYI.. :-)
