Friday, March 23, 2012

Sugar Battle, Week One

Week One of the Battle Against Sugar is done.  The first three days were the hardest.  After that, I started feeling less like an addict craving her junk, and more like I had a bad habit to break.  By the end of the week, I felt great, and had little, to no, cravings for sugar to speak of.

And then ... it was my birthday.  And with birthday, comes cake.  Yes, I allowed myself birthday cake.  I kept telling myself it was a one-day treat, and I would not have follow up sweets the next day.

But the next day was our anniversary.  We went out to eat and I had a big piece of chocolate cake after the dinner.  Surprisingly, I am not craving sugar this morning.  I thought after two days in a row of eating the Sweet Stuff that I would be back to square one.  But I think I may have kicked the addiction part to the curb, for the time being.

Now, for the low down on observations this past week.  I noticed the first three days how irritable I was, and how much I NEEDED a sugar fix.  That perceived need took up a lot of mental energy to beat down, but with lots of prayer and willpower I did it.  Yay me!

After that, I began to notice that I had more energy and seemed more rested, despite not having slept well due to cranky and sick toddlers.  Strangely enough, I noticed that I didn't sweat as much, and it wasn't nearly as stinky.  Yeah, you're welcome for that little bit of knowledge.  Carry it with you always.  My own scientific explanation is that my body's pH was changing, and I was less acidic overall.  At the end of the sixth day, I noticed that I hadn't been having headaches or migraines.

The day after my birthday cake indulgence, which was yesterday, I woke up with a headache.  It didn't last long, but it was there.  And this morning when I woke, the day after a big ole hunk of chocolate cake was consumed, I awoke with another headache, this one much worse.

So today it's back to cleaner eating, with no added sugar and trying to stay away from the "white" stuff.  It's hard giving up the sweets that I love, but I know it's better for me and the tadpole I'm growing, and for my overall health.

I know that after 30+ years of eating a sugar-filled diet, if I can quit, you can too.  So take heart ... it ain't easy, but it can be done.

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