Who knew that when I became a parent that I would spend a good majority of my time sniffing baby butts? Because of my keen sense of smell, this method is preferred to the traditional sneak-a-peek. Because with The Sniff, one is spared the nasty surprise of a leaky diaper seeping onto unsuspecting fingers. I can remember my grandmother, mother and aunt checking bums by reaching a probing finger down the back of the diaper in question. What the heck were they thinking? Yeah, The Sniff is easier ... and more sanitary. But people really look at you funny when you hold your kid's butt up to your nose at Applebees. Oh well.
I've also added Human Crib to my list of jobs, since The Boy is spoiled and likes to be held while he's sleeping. After cleaning my older girls' bathroom, I think I may be a Certified Biohazard Technician. I'm also the resident Locator, finding puzzle pieces, teeny toys and hair thingamabobs lost in space and time.
And let's not forget: I am the only registered Hygienic Paper Location and Installation Expert in the house.
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