Sunday, March 20, 2011

DIY Febreeze

Ever wanted Febreeze to make your favorite fabric softener scent into one of their sprays?  Now you can do it yourself.  Here's a quick and easy way to make your own.

This is what I used:

Large spray bottle
1 cup favorite fabric softener
1 cup vinegar
2 cups water

Pour all ingredients into the spray bottle and shake well.  Spray onto the desired area.

I will note that I can smell the vinegar.  If you don't like hints of vinegar (which will go away with a little time), you can try this recipe:

2 cups warm water
1/4 fabric softener
1 tbsp baking soda

Both vinegar and baking soda are wonderful for removing odors.  Have fun stretching that penny for all its worth!


  1. It is priceless! I still need to go out and get that book... wonder if it's available as an e-book??

  2. Hmmm, maybe. I haven't checked.
