Monday, March 21, 2011

My Corner of Heaven

My birthday treat to myself was to sew in my completely child-proofed dedicated sewing area.  It's awesome!  I can sit and sew and not have to worry about monkeys unplugging machines, getting fingers cut off in the serging blade, or all my spools of thread being unwound.  This little nook o'mine is so incredible that I finished THREE projects today.  Happy Jenny today!  Not so happy about turning 35, but I hear it's the new 25.  Hmmm.


  1. love it! I am so hoping that we get 1. a single story and 2. luck out w a 4 bedroom so that I can have my own private workspace... I can dream right??? Great job on the up-cycling... never even thought of that... totally stealing it!!!!

  2. It's hard to see, but there is a GATE keeping the kids out. :)
