Saturday, March 5, 2011

Modest Barbie

My good friend from high school, Mandy Leap, shared a link to another mom's blog that inspired me.  As a mother of three girls, I have seen my share of naked Barbies lying around the house.  I absolutely hate it!  I have been known to sit down and dress the Barbies, just so I don't have to look at those little plastic boobs and derriere.

The other mama had the idea to take a Sharpie marker and permanently create a bodysuit on Barbie, so even when she's unclad, she's a little more modest.  I loved the idea and followed suit.

This is a fraction of the number of Barbie dolls we have, so I have my work cut out for me.  But it was worth it.  And it entertained Jesse to no end watching me color.

1 comment:

  1. Great idea! There are a few that come with a rubber looking suit permanently on. Georgia has a couple and I love them! I need to find my marker for the others! :)
